Managing Sick Leave- A Quick Guide
ActionsRole of the Staff MemberRole of the Line Manager
First day of absence and each day thereafterReport to Line Manager as early as possible on the first day of absence and indicate the likely duration of absence if known.Record absence and inform HR using CF012 Sick Leave Form.docx (
Doctors Certificate requirementsSubmit a medical certificate to the line manager where the sick leave period extends beyond a second consecutive day absence and as necessary thereafter in accordance with UL’s Sick Leave Procedure.Review, record and submit to HR, monitor timeframe regarding expiry of Certificate
Claiming Illness Benefit

Staff who pay Class A rate of PRSI may be entitled to Social Welfare Benefit for absence due to illness in excess of 5 days. Since 1st January, 2024, Illness Benefit is paid from day 6 of the claim if you have not used any of your entitlement prior to this instance of illness. If you have used some of your entitlement prior to this instance of illness, you may receive payment from an earlier date. The University will automatically deduct Social Welfare Illness/Injury Benefit from the Staff member’s salary. It is, therefore, important that a Social Welfare Illness claim is made directly to the Department of Social and Family Affairs as soon as possible. 

How to Claim Social Welfare Illness/Injury Benefit

  • Ask your doctor for a IB1 form. If you are or have been an in-patient in hospital, you should ask a hospital doctor to give you a pro forma letter which you can bring to your GP who will issue the claim form (IB1) and medical certificate.
  • Once completed, your form can be returned by hand to your local Social Welfare Office or by post to Social Welfare Services, PO Box 1650, Dublin 1.
  • Illness Benefit is paid directly to the employee by Social Welfare. Therefore, deductions will automatically be made from your salary by the payroll office.

Please note that the option for illness payment paid to the employer should NOT be selected on your form. In all circumstances staff should select for that payment to be made directly to themselves.

Remind staff member to apply for illness benefit, if applicable.
Long-Term absenceMaintain regular contact with your line manager, including the submission of medical certificates on an ongoing basis. Attend occupational health appointment as requested in accordance with the University’s Sick Leave Procedure.Check in with staff member regularly and update HR as appropriate based on medical certificates. Monitor the submission of Certificates and follow-up on same on an ongoing basis. Ensure that medical certs are submitted to HR.  Provide details of employee support service available…
Return to workFill out CF012 Sick Leave Form.docx ( recording 'Return to Work' details with Line Manager. Seek a fitness to return to work certificate from your doctor.  Attend Occupational Health appointment if required.Fill out CF012 Sick Leave Form.docx ( recording 'Return to Work' details, update HR
CF012 Sick Leave Form
CX013 Sick Leave Procedure
Sick Leave - FAQ's
Sick Leave Scheme Directive DoES 2014.pdf (
Employee Support Service | UL - University of Limerick

Please find attached a link here to supporting materials and FAQ's on the Public Service Management (Sick Leave Amendment) Regulations 2023. Should you have any queries, please contact compandbens@ul.ie 

20230703 approved DFHERIS advisory note on Sick Leave amend

Circular 12-2023

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