Staff FAQs
The ESS is a free, confidential counselling and advice service to assist all of us in dealing with personal issues that could pose a threat to our health, well-being, relationships or employment. The service is confidential and independent – and provided by an external company called EAP Consultants.
Access to the helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Freephone:1-800-201-346. For more information please go to the Employee Support Services page.
If you are a University of Limerick direct employee whose pay and leave is managed via the Core HR portal, you should email a headshot to compandbens@ul.ie along with your staff ID no. and ID Card Request in the subject heading. You will be notified when your ID card is ready for collection. ID cards are issued by the Human Resources Office D1 042 Monday to Friday between the hours of 15:00 and 16:00.
Your ID card will be required if you wish to join and access the Library, Sports Arena and avail of a parking permit.
Home or office working equipment should be procured at departmental level. For information about recommended hardware, please go to Top Desk then click on My Workstation: Computers and Laptops.
The staff member may also require a chair, which the line manager can also order directly from our supplier Pelko who are now doing home deliveries. View the approved chair options by following this link to Pelko and email info@pelko.ie to order.
If there are other more non-standard queries, please log a call on TopDesk – https://ul.topdesk.net
If you cease as an employee of UL, any equipment in your care remains the property of the University unless a sale of asset is agreed to which a Sale of Asset form is then completed.
Anybody who takes a piece of equipment with them when moving from one department to another should complete a relocation form.
Both forms are available here available on the Finance website
When an employee is absent because of sickness, he/she must notify by telephone the Dean/Head of Department/Manager before or within one hour after 09h00 am on the first day of absence.
A medical certificate must be sent to the Dean/HOD/Manager on or before the third day of absence. The Dean/HOD/Manager must forward all medical certificates to the Human Resources Division attached to the sick leave form. If the illness persists additional medical certificates must be submitted on a regular and timely basis. Please read the Sick Leave Scheme for further information.
Sick leave must be recorded by the Dean/HOD/Manager on a sick leave form and forwarded to HR straight away. Please note that a delay in doing so will affect an employee’s salary.
An employee who is eligible for social welfare payment must claim the relevant benefit. Social welfare claim forms are generally available from GP’s. The employee must complete the form and submit it directly to the Department of Social and Family affairs.
In compliance with Social Welfare and Revenue regulations (as specified in Revenue’s Employer’s Guide to PAYE), the University will deduct from the employee’s salary the amount of social welfare benefit due to the employee from the Department of Social and Family Affairs for that payment period and will directly apply the relevant tax and PRSI exemptions to the payment. The employee will, therefore, benefit immediately from their illness-related tax and PRSI entitlements.
Follow this link to Annual and Historic Leave on Core to find a summary of the modifications to the management of Annual Leave and how to to view your balances on CORE Portal.
The staff salary scales are available under the Pay & Benefits section
If you are a University of Limerick direct employee whose pay and leave is managed via the Core HR portal, you should email a headshot to compandbens@ul.ie along with your staff ID no. and ID Card Request in the subject heading. You will be notified when your ID card is ready for collection. ID cards are issued by the Human Resources Office D1 042 Monday to Friday between the hours of 15:00 and 16:00.
Your ID card will be required if you wish to join and access the Library, Sports Arena and avail of a parking permit.
Click here for a guide on what to do when you resign from UL