The University of Limerick is focused on talent as an organisational priority. We seek to attract and retain talented individuals to create our future leaders. UL is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion.
UL’s current leadership programme seeks to support and further develop current and future leaders within the organisation thereby strengthening organisational culture and supporting our strategic mission. Programme participants will be supported in stepping up to leadership roles and enhancing current leadership contributions, providing them with the platform to flourish.
Eligibility for the programme will be outlined to prospective participants as each call opens.
Brief Description of Programme.
This programme is for current and emergent leaders with future leadership aspirations. Prospective participants could be current/aspiring Heads of Department, Heads of Research Institutes and Centres, Assistant Deans, aspiring Deans, Heads of Division, or other senior managers, or others who aspire to leadership roles within UL.
Future leaders will work with the Executive Committee and others to help galvanise the University’s creativity and innovation as we work towards those future goals. Embracing the best of inclusive and devolved leadership, future leaders at UL will help to lead, develop, and elevate their immediate teams while fostering collegiality to lead across boundaries both internally and externally, to achieve University goals.
It is expected that this programme would encourage and challenge participants to reflect on their professional journey thus far, their key motivations, along with building new insights designed to enhance personal and professional effectiveness. The programme will be supportive yet challenging, involving participants reflecting on and openly discussing their leadership journey heretofore. It is expected that this programme would enhance the development of participants in a range of different ways including the following.
You as a Leader:
Gain a deeper understanding of inclusive leadership and what it means for you. Understand the leadership culture of UL. Foster a collegial approach and instil this in others.
Understand your leadership style, how to adapt your style to relate to different personality types on a team and beyond.
Understand key techniques to strengthen your resilience as a leader.
Leading Others:
Develop communication skills, particularly skills associated with conversations for growth.
Develop others. Enhance engagement, build psychological capital (hope, efficacy, resilience, optimism) in others.
Develop a collegial mindset in others and reinforce the values and culture of the University.
Work across boundaries within the University and beyond. Enhance ability to influence others.
Leadership Effectiveness:
Strategy implementation. Identify and work towards tangible ways to support the strategic direction and culture of the University.
Develop skills to manage change and bring others with you.
Encourage exploration of how best to realise/harness creativity and innovation and promote this in others.
Strengthen networks.
Prepare to move beyond leadership within your area of professional expertise, into opportunities that span organisational boundaries.
Programme Format
The format of this programme will be as follows:
Four days of leadership workshops, including co-created case studies reflecting situations relevant to UL.
Diagnostics to raise self-awareness, including personal/leadership style questionnaires and 360-degree feedback.
Two individual coaching sessions for each participant.
A personal needs analysis based on the above.
Internal Insights Seminars with members of Executive Committee.
An individual project. Each participant commits to completing a personal project for use as a vehicle to critically assess leadership capabilities. This will require time commitment from participants.
Mechanisms for reflective practice should be threaded throughout the programme.
Evaluation of the impact of the programme.