Graduate Audrey Galvin with family in front of UL Library. She wears PhD graduation gown which is red

Award-winning journalist and UL lecturer urges next generation to put down the phone amid ‘global’ challenge of misinformation

An award-winning journalist and University of Limerick lecturer has urged the next generation of reporters to put down their phones and dip out of the social media wave, in the face of the growing ‘global’ problem of misinformation.
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AHSS PhD Development Series 2023/24

The AHSS Graduate Research Centre held workshops and seminars for postgraduate researchers in 2023/24. The series began in September 2023 with a workshop on Irish Research Council (IRC) Postgraduate Scholarship Application Training for prospective applicants.
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A photo of UL AHSS PhD student Kevin Saude

‘Embarking on a PhD was an investment in myself’

Kevin Saudé is currently studying a PhD in the Department of Politics and Public Administration in UL’s Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Here, Kevin gives an insight into his PhD experience and his plans for the next stage of his career.
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5 reasons to do a postgraduate degree in Law at the University of Limerick

Learn why choosing to do a postgraduate degree at UL might just be the best decision you’ll ever make.
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From MA dissertation to award-winning essay – Helene Haak and the WHAI Annual MacCurtain/Cullen essay prize

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Digital Humanities Hackathon and historical Space Wars

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Postgraduate researcher profile: Mamobo Ogoro

Mamobo's research interests include multicultural identities, discrimination, integration, inclusivity and diversity.
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Postgraduate research profile: Mark Ryan

Mark's research aims to create a language policy and programme aimed at mitigating the harmful effects of heteronormative ideologies and implicit homophobia and discrimination in language.
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UL doctoral student chosen as Society for Ethnomusicology 'Student of the Month'

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