Role of the tutor in the grading process

In order to be assigned to students tutors need to fill in the online tutor availability survey every year.

Full details on the role of the tutor in the grading process can be found in the School Placement Tutor Handbook. If you do not have a copy of the guidelines please contact Tutors must notify schools of their intention to visit. Please use this template when contacting schools.

The Pre SP meetings will take place during the week preceding the start of the school placements. The Post SP meeting will take place following the placement. A list of students, along with their contact details, can be found on TUS. Full details on how to access this information can be found in the TUS Tutor user guide. Please contact to book a time/date slot and parking space for the meetings. Please contact your students to arrange to meet them during your allotted time.

Full details of what material needs to be covered during both sets of meeting can be found in the School Placement Guidelines for Tutors. If you do not have a copy of the guidelines please contact

Referral Visits

The deadlines for the referral visits will be circulated by the SP office. Please refer to the TUS tutor user guide section on how to request a referral visit.

School Placement Award

There is a School Placement Award for fourth year undergraduate students who excel on School Placement.

School Placement Office asks tutors to nominate students who have achieved an A1 Grade in their fourth year teaching practice, giving the tutors the nomination form.  Feedback is also sought from the Principal from the school where the student completed their fourth year placement.

Following review of nominations by the Cooperative Education Manager, AHSS the School Placement administrator forwards nominations to the Head of the School of Education and the Academic Coordinator of School Placement.
Director of CECD informs the successful student and their School Placement school principal of the outcome.