Live Presentations
Conor O'Flaherty
The Performative and Cognitive effects of Virtual Reality on Language Learning
Gavin Byrne
Healthy/Diseased Tubular Tissue Pressure Diameter Apparatus
Oisin O'Sullivan
The First Translation into English of "La Nuit des Pères", by Gaëlle Josse: an analysis of the processes and challenges often found in literary translation.
Fiona Kelly
Timeless Music: The Use of Caregiver-led Music Intervention in the Context of Residential Nursing Homes
Michael O'Brien
Good Practice in the Provision of Care for People with Dementia in Nursing Homes
Maria Kazimierczak
Keeping Fit and Staying Safe
Megan McCarthy
Investigation of manufacturers market strategies influenced consumers purchasing decisions
Julie Cizek
Strategies for Teaching English to Japanese Preschoolers
Liam Brul
The Promotion of Global Citizenship Through Music
Elisa Pinesich
The Effects of Censorship on Translation
10. Oisín O'Sullivan
Investigation of Power as a Method of Cache Data Provenance Validation
Rebecca O'Regan
Elite women, philanthropy and influence during the Great Famine: A case study of Caroline, 2nd Countess of Dunraven
Oscar Ekelund
Wrinkles in a Thin Elastic Sheet Floating on a Liquid
Annemarie van Dongen
What are the effects of learning through music on the retention of English vocabulary?
Paul Stevens
Stranded at the crossroads? Ulster Unionist mentalités and British party politics 1886-1969
Wicktoria Wojciechowska
From "La Nalgota" to "La Bichota": A Spanish-English Translation and Feminist Interpretation of Reggaeton Songs
Brian Ronayne
Bilingual Literary Texts in Translation - Spanish and Galician to English: The Challenges of the Foreignization Approach in Carlos Montero’s 'El desorden que dejas'
Amy O'Leary
Looking at ¿Qué PASO?
Zoha Panezai
RNA Analysis of Diet-Modulated FGF21 Expression in Mice
Pre-Recorded Presentations
Grace Cronin
Preservice teacher perceptions of their ability to work with young children suffering from trauma in school settings
Jill Moynan
The Experience of Rolling Out a Nurture-Room in a Community National School.
Laura Purcell
Arthur and Merlin: Through Age and The Ages
Sophie Bartlett
Lessons in stress management: Student teachers’ perceptions of stressors and coping strategies associated with professional placement.
Khayla Timothy
Healthcare professional's perceptions on the effect of risk management on childbirth: An integrative review
Natasha Sheehy
Exploring people with Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and their experiences with healthcare professionals: a review
Ashling Walsh
Bereavement care provided within the maternity services during the Covid-19 pandemic: A focus mapping review and synthesis.
Kim Bradfield
Pre-service Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Attitudes Towards Gifted Students
Sarah Ryan Purcell
The Troublesome P's: Investigating the relationship between academic procrastination and perfectionism among Irish college students
Arany Umasuthan
Neurodevelopmental implications of Carbamate Pesticide Exposure: A systematic review
Marjia Siddik
Algorithmic Bias in Healthcare Tools: A Mixed-Methods Investigation
Conor Cleary
The Historical Evolution of the Cowboy as a Mythological Figure
Marek Pogorzalek
The Development of a Functional Food Product Using the Natural Sweetener Stevia
Eva McMahon
Production and Optimization of Drug-Polymer Nanocomposites Using Nanoprecipitation Technique
AICUR Posters
An audit of prescriptions of short-acting beta-agonist inhalers among asthma patients in an Irish GP setting.
Investigating The Relationships Between Time Spent on Social Media, Cyberbullying and Cybervictimisation.
Relationship between Self-Concept Clarity and The Awareness of Narrative Identity.
The impact of zinc status and bioavailability in enterocytes as model for the gastrointestinal tract to understand gut-brain signaling in health and disease
Implementation of a Patient Portal at a large, public mental health specialty hospital.
A Critical Examination of Oracy in the Graphics Classroom: An Action Research Study
The Intersection of Cognitive Load Theory and Practical Demonstrations in the Wood Technology Classroom: An Action Research Study.