A massive congratulations to all students who were able to take part.

AICUR 2022 - Live Presentations

Brennan, Eavan

"I'm afraid that people will not understand that I loved my son" Women's Experience of Termination of Pregnancy for Fetal Anomaly's 

Live Presentation

Breslin, Aoife & Grace, Caoimhe

Degradation of Polymers in the Environment

Live Presentation

Buttery, Annabelle

Examining the Experiences of Women Activists Who Challenge the Treatment of Women in The Irish Music Industry

Live Presentation

Connell, Chantel

Investigating the lack of Immersion Education regarding Second Language Acquisition, with specification to the French language, and the development of factors affecting language learners due to remote learning during COVID-19

Live Presentation

Costello, Darragh

Evaluating the impact of connected autonomous vehicle behaviours on traffic congestion 

Live Presentation

Desjardins, Aidan

Non-Self Recognition of Viral Infections and Its Implications in EBV-linked Autoimmunity

Live Presentation

Doorly, Ellen & Hevser, Hayley

The Demise of the Irish Round Tower? Conservation in Civil Engineering - An Investigation into the Stability of Kilmacduagh Round Tower

Live Presentation

Fitzpatrick, Rowan

The effects of different post warmup recovery durations on 2000m rowing ergometer performance 

Live Presentation

Freeman, Derbhla

Dance ambassadors - developing digital platforms for Irish dancers and reaching new audiences 

Live Presentation

Gallati, Kelsi

Improving outcomes for couples undergoing fertility treatment through microfluidic based sperm selection

Live Presentation

Gill, Jade

Narrative 4 Story Exchange Programme Evaluation 

Live Presentation


Maloney, Brian

The Potential of NNMT as an Anti-Cancer Target in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Live Presentation

McHale, Anna

Loneliness, Social Support & Stress: A Mediation Analysis

Live Presentation

McKenna, Romane Lopes

X-Ray Image Contrast Calculator for Medical Device Materials

Live Presentation

Nymann, Hannah

Modelling skeletal muscle cell aging on a dish using human plasma and myogenic progenitors derived from human pluripotent stem cells

Live Presentation

O'Brien, Deirdre

The impact of the utilisation of telehealth on primary mental healthcare service delivery

Live Presentation

O'Sullivan, Lorcan

An analysis of gender in the discipline of economics

Live Presentation

Tasker, Paul

The Removal of Valuable Metals from Aqueous Solutions using Adsorption

Live presentation

Walsh, Ciara

Does Paediatric Sepsis Screening Assist in the Early Recognition of Sepsis in Children in Hospital Setting?

Live Presentation 

Wolska, Katarzyna

Effects of Transient and Chronic Loneliness in Depression and Psychiatric Distress

Live Presentation

AICUR 2022 - Recorded Presentations


Byrne, Fiachra

The socioeconomics of personal and social wellbeing

Recorded Presentation

Cuddihy, Muireann

The Stigma Surrounding Illegal Drug Use during Pregnancy

Recorded Presentation

Fenton, Lynn

The Impact of Stressful-Life-Events and the Mediating Role of Group Membership and Social Connections and Psychological Outcomes in Adolescence

Recorded Presentation


Looney, Chloe

Attachment as a Moderator between Social Support and Cardiovascular Recovery from Stress

Recorded Presentation

Murnane, Hannah

The Nurses' role in medication management in the care of patients with Parkinson disease, a review of the most recent evidence

Recorded Presentation

Murphy, Rachel

An Investigation into the Prevalence, Financial Implications, and Individual Burden of Injury Experienced by Amateur Team Sport Athletes

Recorded Presentation

Ní Dhroma, Abaigéal

Léiriú na mban: An chaoi a ndéantar tubaiste mar thoradh ar iompar na bhfear i leith na mban agus a gcuma fhisiceach; Staidéar inscne ar stádas na mban i litríocht na Gaeilge 

Recorded Presentation

Ortega, Beatriz

The Challenges Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Encounter when Accessing Health Care Services 

Recorded Presentation

Quinn, Lizzy

To identify how paediatric palliative care has been affected by the Covid 19 pandemic? 

Recorded Presentation

Roe, Dearbhaile

Primary School Teachers Perspectives on Supporting Primary School Children's Mental Health in Mainstream Schools

Recorded Presentation

Rowan, Cian

Courtiers, Conquistadores and Administrators: The Turbulent Early Years of the Spanish Empire

Recorded Presentation

Sheehan, Ciara

Witchhunt: Investigating the Relationship between trial records and print media in Bamberg and Wurzburg, 1600-1632

Recorded Presentation

Walsh, Elaine

Patient and Family Experiences of Advance Care Planning - A Focused Mapping Review

Recorded Presentation

AICUR 2023 - Posters

Daniels, Aisling

Supporting Women in the Workplace, Poster

McCarthy, Maeve

An Examination of Primary School Teachers' Attitudes toward Engaging in Assessment for Learning, Poster

McSweeney, Avril

Mute My Mind: Can exercise and mindfulness reduce perseverative cognition and stress, Poster

O'Brien, Sinead

Classroom Rules for Wistem, Poster

O'Donnell, Sarah

Minding Young Minds: Investigating the perceived self-efficacy of Irish primary school teachers in relation to supporting students' social and emotional wellbeing in the classroom, Poster

Roe, Dearbhaile

Primary School Teachers' Perspective on Supporting Primary School Children's Mental Health in Mainstream Schools, Poster

Ryan, Tara

Making Technology More Accessible: From Schools to High Level Developments with Tyndall Smart Glove, Poster

Wall, Ruby

Association of material wellbeing in pregnancy and offspring adiposity at 5 years- findings from the ROLO longitudinal birth cohort study, Poster

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