What is the UDL@UL Community of Practice?

The University of Limerick Universal Design for Learning Community of Practice was established in 2021 by a group of staff facilitating the Digital Badge for Universal Design in Teaching and Learning developed by AHEAD and UCD Access and Lifelong Learning.

What is the purpose of the UDL@UL Community of Practice?

The UDL@UL Community of Practice aims to provide an opportunity for staff in UL to share ideas and practices relating to the application of UDL principles and framework with colleagues across the University.

The Community of Practice is also an informal space for staff assigned to support the embedding of UDL at UL to hear about the opportunities and challenges you have experienced in applying the principles. Join us to share your skills, knowledge and experiences with a view to developing resources and professional learning to support your needs.

In summary, the CoP provides an opportunity to:

· Share knowledge and practice

· Discuss the challenges and opportunities of engaging with UDL

· Create connections between teaching staff sharing similar interests

How can you get involved with the UDL @ UL Community of Practice?

We warmly welcome new members to our UDL Community of Practice, including all staff at all levels. As a UDL CoP member, you can join the growing conversation in Universal Design for Learning.

Join our UDL Community of Practice! Click here to join our CoP on UL Connect


Wednesday March 13th 1pm - 2.15pm Online & Graduate Attributes Hub, Millstream Courtyard.
Practice sharing event.  Colleagues who have completed the UDL course and badge will share their learning from the course and discuss how they have applied their learning in practice. To maximise flexibility this event is available to you through MS teams or face-to-face in the Graduate Attributes Hub, Millstream Courtyard. Tea/coffee, fruit and pastries will be provided. You are welcome to bring along your own lunch if you wish. Registration here.

Tuesday April 16th 11am - 12pm Graduate Attributes Hub, Millstream Courtyard.
Informal coffee and chat. Come along for an informal chat about UDL. This informal meet up is an opportunity to reflect with others on the opportunities and challenges of applying UDL in practice. We provide the coffee and snacks! No need to register, it is a very casual meet up. 

Late May/June - date tbc. Celebration event for UDL digital badge recipients 2023-2024. A celebration for staff who have completed the digital badge in UDL and UD beyond the classroom. More details coming soon. 

If you have any queries relating to the UDL@UL Community of Practice, please contact Dr. Suzanne Stone Suzanne.stone@ul.ie or Pam Wall Pam.Wall@ul.ie

Join our UDL Community of Practice

We warmly welcome new members to our UDL Community of Practice, including all staff at all levels. As a UDL CoP member, you can join the growing conversation in Universal Design for Limerick. 

Join our UDL Community of Practice! All are welcome.

Email: ctl@ul.ie

Phone: 061 234652

For Integrated Curriculum Development Framework queries, contact curriculum.development@ul.ie for further information or to request assistance.

Follow CTL on UL Connect