Upcoming Events & Workshops

CTL offers a range of professional learning opportunities for staff relating to Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning. See below details of upcoming events in December 2024 and January 2025 

January 2025

  1. Digital badge in Universal Design for Learning/Universal Design - beyond the classroom 

The UD/UDL digital badges are awarded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning. Each course is a 25-hour time commitment covering the following learning activities: Independent online learning, Peer Group meetings and discussion, Online/face-to-face workshops and Undertaking a small redesign of your practice based on your learning in the course. While undertaking the course, you will be supported locally by your Peer Group Facilitators who are colleagues at UL who have completed the badge and the additional facilitator training badge. The next opportunity to participate in the badges is the local UL facilitated rollout scheduled to start on February 10th  2025. Information sessions on the badge are scheduled for:

Tuesday January 21st 12pm - 12.30pm (online). No need to register. 
Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 339 969  209 . 068. Passcode: ihz59Q

2. New Brightspace self-directed online introduction UDL.

Have you heard colleagues talking about Universal Design or Universal Design for Learning (UDL)? Are you unsure about what these terms mean? Explore the basics of Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning in a structured manner in your own time through the new Brightspace course on UDL (approximately one hour to complete). Any queries to suzanne.stone@ul.ie.

3. Introductory workshops

Have you heard colleagues talking about Universal Design or Universal Design for Learning (UDL)? Are you unsure about what these terms mean? This 45-minute workshop explores the concepts of Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning and discusses how the student experience can be enhanced by applying the principles of UDL in teaching, learning and assessment. Participants will also be introduced to practical ideas for applying the principles of UDL in practice.

Wednesday January 29th 11th 12pm - 12.45pm Registration link 

4. New podcast series – Unlocking UDL now available

A new podcast series launched in December 2024, Unlocking UDL, explores how UDL has been implemented by staff at UL. Our first four episodes will be available in January. In episode one Ailish Larkin, librarian student engagement and success (Glucksman Library) shares her experience of participating in the UDL digital badge and how she has applied the learning from the badge in her practice.

Check out the podcast on Spotify – Unlocking UDL.

5. Community of Practice 

The UDL@UL Community of Practice offers an opportunity for staff in UL to share ideas and practices relating to Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning with colleagues across the University. Join the group to get some ideas for your own practice, or to share your own skills, knowledge and experiences through our UL Connect Channel, our MS Teams Channel, or at live online and face-to-face events. Our event will happen in March (details coming soon). 

6. Bespoke training and consultation 

Do you need some support at local level within your school to address discipline specific inclusive practice challenges? Please email  Suzanne Stone (suzanne.stone@ul.ie) to arrange an initial consultation. 



Email: ctl@ul.ie 
Phone: 061 234652