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- Introduction to EDTL
- Project Activities for Staff @ UL
- National EDTL Project Team Activities
Explore the EDTL @ UL Student Resource Pack (Spring 2021)
LevUL Up Digital Skills Development Programme for UL Students
Introduction to EDTL
The IUA Enhancing Digital Teaching & Learning (EDTL) project (also referred to as #IUADigEd on Twitter) aims to support staff who teach to develop their digital competences and skills so that students’ learning experiences can be enhanced with technology. In turn, the development of digital competences and skills for staff who teach will expose students to technologies for teaching and learning and support them to develop their own digital competences and skills.
Project Activities for Staff @ UL
EDTL @ UL professional development workshops
To address professional development needs of staff who teach and support teaching and learning at UL, EDTL @ UL workshops form part of the Learning Technology Forum's (LTF) professional development events series. Events which have already taken place are archived in the Resources and the Supported Tools areas of the LTF site.
Many of the EDTL project workshops and activities developed at UL are mapped to the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu). Staff who teach can use the DigCompEdu Check-in tool to self-assess themselves and learn more about their personal strengths and the areas where they can enhance the ways digital technologies are used in their teaching and learning.
'Quick Tips for Teaching Online' blog series
As part of EDTL @ UL, a 'Quick Tips for Teaching Online' blog series for staff who teach at UL has been established, coordinated and managed by the project lead on behalf of ULs Learning Technology Forum (LTF). Throughout Autumn 2020 and the 2021 academic year, LTF members and guest contributors from across UL have made posts about a range of digital teaching and learning topics on the blog, which has served as an ongoing professional development initiative for staff who teach at UL.
EDTL @ UL Pilot Phase 1 - Autumn Semester 2019
The autumn semester 2019 pilot at UL was conducted with participating educators from the School of Engineering and the School of Allied Health to pilot, respectively, student peer review assignments using different approaches with Turnitin, and a digital assessment initiative in which students were tasked with creating an Information Sharing Animation (ISA), or animated video. For more information read this paper presented to the Irish Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP) 2019: UL Autumn Semester 2019 Pilot: Digital Peer Review Assignments and Student Produced Animated Videos. Having met the criteria, participating educators were awarded the EDTL digital badge for Getting Started with Personal and Professional Digital Capacity, issued by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.
National EDTL Project Team Activities
The EDTL Approach for Staff
In the context of Covid-19, the EDTL project team re-focused to support a move to a blended approach to teaching and learning in the academic year 2020/21. The EDTL project team worked collaboratively to devise 'The EDTL Approach', a pathway with key considerations for staff who teach who are adapting a module or programme, normally taught wholly or partly face-to-face, for effective remote teaching. The student digital learning experience is maintained at the core.
Each of the main elements in the EDTL module level approach comprises associated resources curated by the EDTL project team:
Consider your students | Reflect on the emergency pivot | Consider Content & Activities | Consider Communication & Engagement | Consider Assessment & Feedback | Considerations for lab-based subjects |
EDTL Community Webinars
The EDTL project runs a community webinar series on diverse topics related to supporting the development of staff and student digital competences and skills in Irish higher education. Webinars normally take place on Mondays at 12.30pm and last for approx. 1 hour. Participants are welcome to drop in and out as necessary.
- Sign up to be notified of upcoming EDTL community webinars by joining our #IUADigEd Community.
- View previous webinar recordings on the webinar series list.