Dr. Richard Walsh is currently an Educational Developer in the CTL and the Director of the Mathematics Learning Centre (MLC). He has a first class honours BSc. In Physical Education and Mathematics (2011) and a PhD in Mathematics Education (2015). 


As part of his role in the MLC, Richard  supports student learning of  mathematics across the university, with particular emphasis on providing support to all learners who traditionally have been shown to have issues with learning mathematics (mature students, first year students, etc.). Richard designs, implements, evaluates and reports on MLC support services for UL students and also collaborates with internal and external partners in outreach activities. He frequently conducts mathematics tutor training exercises with UL mathematics tutors and collaborates with the Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics to support their learning and teaching activities, particularly with the training of their early-career mathematics tutors and supporting their first year learners. Richard also collaborates with EPISTEM National Centre for STEM Education in their work on developing mathematics teaching and learning supplements, which are called ‘Sum-It’, for senior cycle post-primary students. These supplements are distributed by the Irish Independent to schools nationwide. Richard is an active researcher in the area of mathematics education and is a committee member of the Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network (IMLSN). He previously served as PRO of the IMLSN from January 2019 until June 2020.


Richard’s research interests include:

• The learning and teaching of mathematics in Higher Education (HE)

• Mathematics Learning Support in HE

• The learning and teaching of mathematics at post-primary level

• Attitudes to mathematics

• The learning of mathematics in HE by non-traditional students


Selected recent publications:


Fitzmaurice, O., Walsh, R. and Burke, K. (2019) The ‘Mathematics Problem’ and preservice post primary mathematics teachers – analysing 17 years of diagnostic test data, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2019.1682700


Guerin, A. and Walsh, R. (2019) Effective Marketing Strategies to Promote Engagement with Online Mathematics Learning Support, MSOR Connections, 18(1), 16-23.


Lane, C., O’Meara, N. and Walsh, R. (2019) Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Use of the Mathematics Register, Issues in Educational Research, 29(3), 790-806.


Walsh, R. and Guerin, A. (2018) A framework and Rubric for Guiding the Training of Mathematics Tutors in Third Level Education, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2018.1507052


Walsh, R., Fitzmaurice, O. and O’Donoghue, J. (2017) What Subject Matter Knowledge do second-level teachers need to know to teach trigonometry?, Irish Educational Studies, 36(3), 273-306.


Walsh, R. (2016) A case study of pedagogy of mathematics support tutors without a background in mathematics education, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48(1), 67-82.


Fitzmaurice, O., Cronin, A., Ní Fhlionn, E., O’Sullivan, C. and Walsh, R. (2016) Preparing Tutors for Mathematics Learning Support, MSOR Connections, 14(3), 14-21.

Selected recent conference presentations:

Walsh, R. and Guerin, A. (2023) ‘Hybrid Maths Support in Semester 1 2022/23’, Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network Workshop 14: Experiences of Mathematics and Statistics Learning Support during semester 1 (2022-23), 13 January 2023, [online] https://www.imlsn.ie/index.php/past-events/past-workshops/imlsn-workshop-14.  


Walsh R. and Guerin, A. (2023) ‘Mathematics Support Post-Covid at the University of Limerick: A Description of 2022/23’, Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network Workshop 15: Mathematics and Statistics Support post-COVID: Renewal, Redesign and Expansion, 9 June 2023, Maynooth University and online. https://www.imlsn.ie/index.php/imlsn-workshop-15 .


Walsh, R. and Guerin, A. (2020) ‘Mathematics and Statistics Support During the Pandemic at the University of Limerick’, 12th Annual Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network (IMLSN) Workshop, [online], 24 June 2020.


Walsh, R. and Guerin, A. (2018) ‘MLS and the need and means to be in n places at once – A brief share of ideas’, CETL-MSOR 2018:  Evidencing Excellence in the Mathematical Sciences, 5 & 6 September 2018 at University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland.


Guerin, A., Walsh, R. and Fitzmaurice, O. (2017) ‘The impact of Mathematics Learning Support on student performance’, 11th Annual Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network (IMLSN) Workshop, North West Regional College, Derry/ Londonderry, Friday 15th December 2017. 


Walsh, R. (2017) ‘A case study of pedagogy of mathematics support tutors without a background in mathematics education’, The 42nd Annual ATEE Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23-25 October 2017.


Fitzmaurice, O. and Walsh, R. (2017) ‘Identifying and Supporting At-Risk Service Mathematics Students at the Mathematics Learning Centre (University of Limerick)’, 6th Teaching and Learning Day: Improving Retention by Identifying and Supporting At-Risk Students, University of Limerick, 6th June 2017. 



Silver President’s Volunteer Award, University of Limerick.

Email: ctl@ul.ie

Phone: 061 234652

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