Date: Thursday, 5 April 2018
Time: 09:15 - 17:30
Location: Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick

The annual All-Ireland Conference of Undergraduate Research (AICUR) showcases some of the best undergraduate students work completed as part of their studies.



What is an undergraduate student conference?

An undergraduate research conference is just like any other academic conference but what makes it special is that the presentations will be delivered by undergraduate students presenting work they have done as part of their studies.

What are the benefits of participation?

The conference will give undergraduate students (from first to final year) from colleges and universities across Ireland the opportunity to present their research and showcase their creative accomplishments through posters, performances, workshops and oral presentations.

This is a great opportunity for participants as it will provide you with feedback on your work, tips on presenting, and real life experience of presenting at an academic conference - not to mention networking opportunities.

During the conference you will be able to meet and talk to other undergraduate researchers and faculty from both your own and other disciplines, and you will also be able to learn about how other disciplines approach research problems.

‘By heightening awareness and creating dialogue, it is hoped research can lead to better understanding of the way things appear to someone else and through this insight lead to improvements in practice.’ – Barritt (1986: 20)


The research in 3 format is as follows:

You will have three minutes, supported with three slides each of which shows for one minute each: no intervention by the speaker and any animations are not allowed to disappear or overlay other images (which would constitute more than three slides). No props are allowed.

The slides are timed and consist of a set of five slides (title, three slides and a closing slide).

It is a communication exercise, aimed at a technically literature (but not expert) audience.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations can be 5 (+5 for questions), 10 (+5 for questions), or 15 (+5 for questions) minutes in duration. A laptop and projector will be available for presenters who wish to use MS PowerPoint on the day. 

Poster Presentations

Posters can be formatted in portrait or landscape format. Posters up to a maximum of A0 size will be considered (i.e. 841 x 1189mm or 33.1 x 46.8inches). Presenters need to be available for discussions about the poster during the conference, especially at allocated poster slots.


All performances reflecting aspects of Arts practice research will be considered. Performances can be up to 10 minutes in duration.

Video Presentations

Narrated video presentation. Videos can be up to 10 minutes in duration.

Any type of presentation may be done individually or jointly with others.


Research in 3

The research in 3 format is as follows:

You will have three minutes, supported with three slides each of which shows for one minute each: no intervention by the speaker and any animations are not allowed to disappear or overlay other images (which would constitute more than three slides). No props are allowed.

The slides are timed and consist of a set of five slides (title, three slides and a closing slide).

It is a communication exercise, aimed at a technically literature (but not expert) audience.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations can be 5 (+5 for questions), 10 (+5 for questions), or 15 (+5 for questions) minutes in duration. A laptop and projector will be available for presenters who wish to use MS PowerPoint on the day. 

Poster Presentations

Posters can be formatted in portrait or landscape format. Posters up to a maximum of A0 size will be considered (i.e. 841 x 1189mm or 33.1 x 46.8inches). Presenters need to be available for discussions about the poster during the conference, especially at allocated poster slots.


All performances reflecting aspects of Arts practice research will be considered. Performances can be up to 10 minutes in duration.

Video Presentations

Narrated video presentation. Videos can be up to 10 minutes in duration.

Any type of presentation may be done individually or jointly with others.


Abstract submission guidelines for oral & poster presentations

This is an opportunity to showcase a research topic or project you have worked on as an undergraduate. Please follow the guidelines below and use the template to submit your abstract for an oral, poster, or performance presentation.


Abstracts must be formatted as Microsoft Word documents using size 10 or 12 font and single-spaced. The abstract is limited to 250 words (excluding headings and references). Please bear in mind that this will be read by non-specialists as well as peers and should be written in order to communicate with both parties effectively.

How to write an Abstract for a Conference Paper

Required information

Name, complete address including a correct email address of the first (presenting) author, to whom correspondence will be sent by email. Please also supply a contact telephone number.

Email the completed template below as an attachment with the following file name: your surname.firstname.presentation type (e.g. Albert.Einstein.poster), to

Template for the Submission of Abstracts

Selecting abstracts

All abstracts submitted by the deadline and which meet the conference criteria will be accepted - numbers permitting.

During the abstract selection process the following 10 points will be used as a guide for the reviewers. We strongly recommend that you ensure your abstract satisfies these points:

  • Has the research project been undertaken at undergraduate level and does it make an interesting contribution to the field?
  • Does the abstract title describe the subject being written about?
  • Does the abstract make a clear statement of the topic of the paper and the research question?
  • Does the abstract say how the research was/is being undertaken?
  • Does the abstract indicate the value of the findings and to whom will they be of use?
  • Does the abstract describe the work to be discussed in the paper?
  • Does the abstract give a concise summary of the findings?
  • Does the abstract conform to the word limit of 250 words?
  • Is the abstract is accessible to specialist and non-specialist audiences?
  • Is the abstract well written in terms of language, grammar, etc.?
  • Useful resources and further information

From the AICUR workshop (March 27th 2014):

Presenting data to a non-specialist audience slides

Speaking to a large audience slides

Useful websites:

The Writing Centre


'Thesis in Three Minutes' winner

Make a presentation like Steve Jobs

2013 British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR)

Poster Presentations:

12 Tips on Making a Poster

Building a Poster using Powerpoint

Suggestions for Creating an Effective Poster

Things to check before you print!

Oral Presentaions:

Information for Presenters

Tips for conducting an oral presentation

Logos (for presentation slides)

Official UL logos

AICUR logo

If you would like further information or you would like us to email you some resources which may help you as you put together your abstract, please contact us at


The AICUR Deans' Award for the top 3 papers will be presented after the conference on Thursday.


Who is part of the Conference Organising Committee?


Phone: 061 234652

For Integrated Curriculum Development Framework queries, contact for further information or to request assistance.

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