Date: Thursday, 1 February 2018
Time: 09:00 - 17:00

Developing manageable, meaningful assessments

Prof Carol Evans, Professor in Higher Education, University of Southampton

Trinity College Dublin, 1st February


As institutions are encouraged to move away from over-reliance on examinations this seminar focuses on developing assessments that are manageable but meaningful. Designed as an interactive workshop, participants will discuss how to design meaningful, focused assessments that clarify the requirements of the discipline and promote or enable achievement of 21st century graduate attributes. The practical workshop will highlight concrete and manageable assessment options for consideration by curriculum leads, lecturers and those involved in designing assessment at module or programme level. Participants will work with examples of assessment types from across the disciplines and consider how they could be applied or adapted to their discipline in order to:

  • Design assessments that are authentic and meaningful for students and that promote the achievement of the competencies and behaviours needed for the 21st century graduate.
  • Balance the requirements of the discipline with the development of new assessment types.
  • Create assessments that can replace examinations but are manageable and sustainable.
  • Consider such strategies as involving students as partners in assessment.


This is the second of two linked seminars on assessment, jointly coordinated by Trinity College Dublin and University of Limerick and led by Carol Evans. Whilst attendance at both seminars is recommended, the seminars are designed to be stand-alone.




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