Date: Tuesday, 5 March 2019
Time: 10:00 - 15:00
Location: Graduate Attributes Hub, Millstream Courtyard

Speaker: Dr Naomi Winstone

For feedback to be effective, it must be used by the receiver. Prior research has outlined numerous reasons why students’ use of feedback is sometimes limited, but there has been little systematic exploration of these barriers (Winstone et al, 2017). Nash et al.(2018) acknowledge that effective learning requires students to take a substantial share of responsibility for their academic development, complementing the responsibilities taken by their educators. Yet they note that this notion of responsibility-sharing receives minimal discussion in the context of assessment feedback, where responsibility for enhancing learning is often framed as lying principally with educators. This workshop will explore the role and responsibility of the feedback process, how the students can become more active in the process as partners and the practical actions that need to be considered in order to implement this approach.

1. Naomi E. Winstone, Robert A. Nash, James Rowntree & Michael Parker (2017) ‘It'd be useful, but I wouldn't use it’: barriers to university students’ feedback seeking and recipience, Studies in Higher Education, 42:11,

2. Nash, R. A., Winstone, N. E., Gregory, S. E. A., & Papps, E. (2018). A memory advantage for past-oriented over future-oriented performance feedback. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Advance online publication.

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