Date: Friday, 15 January 2021
Time: 10am - 13pm

Prof Fabio R. Aricò, University of East Anglia

This webinar will explore the issues encountered in promoting Active Learning and student engagement in large class environment. We will open the workshop by identifying challenges and possible solutions, discussing similarities and differences across disciplines. We will then consider the experience of a large undergraduate module in economics, where active learning is facilitated through the combination of two powerful pedagogies: self-assessment and peer-instruction. In this learning environment, students are exposed to formative assessment questions and they are invited: (i) to reflect on their our preparedness, as well as (ii) to discuss solutions amongst each other. This practice is re-enforced through a precise sequence of events, and it enhances the experience of each individual student, as they learn to assess their own competences and as well as supporting one another over the process of learning. The discussion about the pedagogy will be enriched by practical tips about how to use learning technologies to facilitate the learning experience. In the second part of the workshop, we will explore the evidence in support this approach, and we will consider some very simple methods to measure the learning gain generated in each Active Learning session. Final remarks will include suggestions about how to implement the pedagogy in different disciplines. We will make plenty of time for discussing pedagogies and findings;  and participants’ active engagement will be encouraged and appreciated.

Video Link

Fabio R. Aricò is a Professor of Higher Education and Economics at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. He was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2017 and he is currently the Director of Learning, Teaching and Quality at the School of Economics. Fabio’s research interest focus on Higher Education policy and practice, including widening access, self-assessment, self-efficacy, and viva-voce assessment.


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