Date: Monday, 19 September 2022 - Tuesday, 20 September 2022
Time: 14.00 - 16:00
Duration: 2 hours
Contact: Dr Michael Wride -
These two short interactive workshops, which will be delivered online through MSTeams, are aimed at those new to teaching at UL. They focus on some key areas related to teaching in Higher Education.

Workshop theme



Introduction to teaching in Higher Education Part 1 

Monday Sept 19th


Introduction to teaching in Higher Education Part 2

Tuesday Sept 20th



These two short interactive workshops, which will be delivered online through MSTeams, are aimed at those new to teaching at UL. They focus on some key areas related to teaching in Higher Education. They will provide a set of ideas and methods to help prepare you for your new role in relation to developing your approach to teaching and learning, including in the blended context, the components of class planning, engaging students and the importance of assessment and feedback.


Please register here   The second workshop extends from the first, so please attend both to get the most benefit.



Phone: 061 234652

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