Personal and professional digital capacity is one of the main five domains of the National Professional Development Framework (PDF) for all staff who teach in higher education. The Centre for Transformative Learning contributes to developing digital capacity through a range of professional development activities including:
Accredited CPD
The Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) in Teaching, Learning & Assessment in Higher Education is a 30 ECTS one-year, part-time programme.
It is recognised at UL as a continuing professional development (CPD) activity enabling participants to evidence teaching excellence.
It aims to enhance the professional practice of those who teach in higher education by providing high-level, scholarly, and practice-based professional development to develop expertise in teaching, learning and assessment. It will equip participants with a range of skills, competencies, insights and capacities to bring the highest quality teaching, learning and assessment experiences to their students, while also managing and progressing their own scholarly careers.
Non-accredited CPD
- Essentials of E-moderating
- Essentials of Teaching and Learning Online
These courses each take place once per term.
Enquiries regarding both courses (Essentials of e-moderating online and Essentials for Teaching & Learning Online) to the course coordinator Dr Michael Wride (