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In-person 1

In-person 2

πŸ“…   Date: Thursday Feb 23
πŸ•   Time: 10:00 - 11:00am
⏳   Duration: 1 hour
πŸ“   Location: GL0-068 (26 seats) BRING YOUR OWN LAPTOP
🎟   Book Your Place
πŸ“…   Date: Wednesday Mar 2
πŸ•   Time: 10:00 - 11:00am
⏳   Duration: 1 hour
πŸ“   Location: GL0-068 (26 seats) BRING YOUR OWN LAPTOP
🎟   Book Your Place

πŸ‘€   Presenter: Peter Reilly, Library
πŸ‘₯   Audience: All Students
πŸš€   Related to DigComp Skill/Competence(s): 


On completion of this session, students will be

  • Capable of developing a strategy for your assignment
  • Aware of the library’s collections in each subject area that help you prepare your assignment
  • Confident in using the library’s print and digital resources
  • Able to critically evaluate scholarly information sources


Phone: 061 234652

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