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πŸ“…   Date: Monday Feb 13
πŸ•   Time: 11:30am - 12:00pm
⏳   Duration: 45 mins
πŸ“   Location: Microsoft Teams
🎟   Book Your Place

πŸ‘€   Presenter: MΓ­cheΓ‘l Γ“ hAodha, Library
πŸ‘₯   Audience: All Students
πŸš€   Related to DigComp Skill/Competence(s): 1.3 | 2.2 


Taking good notes in a lecture is fundamental to good recall and subsequent learning. There are techniques we will introduce to you and we’ll give you some tips for before, during and after the class relating to notetaking.

After this workshop you will know:

β€’    Why it is important to take good notes
β€’    How to plan what you do before, during and after a lecture
β€’    How to file the notes you take
β€’    Some of the basics of the different methods of notetaking


Phone: 061 234652

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