⬇️ Download Workshop Materials: Sample Document


📅   Date: Tuesday Feb 21
🕐   Time: 2:00 - 3:00pm
⏳   Duration: 45 mins
📍   Location: Microsoft Teams
🎟   Book Your Place

👤   Presenter: Lawrence Cleary, Regional Writing Centre, Centre for Transformative Learning
👥   Audience: All Students
🚀   Related to DigComp Skill/Competence(s): 1.2 / 3.1 / 3.2


Many writers do not have a revision strategy in their toolbox. This is evidenced by the number of unedited or proofed papers that are submitted for grades. The grades on many of these papers would be higher if they were revised. Many students do not realise that Microsoft Word has settings that will help you revise in a quick, methodical way. Knowing how to set up the Spell and Grammar check makes revision somewhat of a breeze.

This workshop will take students through all of the settings that they need to know about and then how they can use the Spell and Grammar Check to not only find grammatical and mechanical issues in their drafts but also have those issues explained for better understanding of how written language works.


Phone: 061 234652

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