
Title: Making Videos for your Assignments using Panopto on Sulis

Description: This workshop will explore how to create and edit videos for your assignments using Panopto in Sulis. 

Note: This workshop will only be relevant to students who have been or will be tasked with creating a video assignment using Panopto in Sulis.

Duration: 30 minutes

This workshop will run on

  1. Wednesday Sept. 22nd @ 11:30am (Register here)
  2. Wednesday Sept. 29th @ 11:00am (Register here)
  3. Tuesday Oct. 12th @ 11:00am (Register here)
  4. Wednesday Oct. 20th @ 11:30am (Register here)


Presenter: David Moloney, Centre for Transformative Learning (CTL)

Download workshop materials: | Slides |

Target Audience: All UL students

Phone: 061 234652