Image of Shannon town in development
17 Jul 2023

Wellcome Trust Funding - Shannon Development Photographic Archive - New Jerusalems

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Logo for Opening a Window to the Past online research guide
29 May 2023

Opening a Window to the Past - Special Collections & Archives online research guide

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Image of library with text 2023 Research Data and digital skills summer school
26 May 2023

Research Data & Digital Skills Summer School 19th – 23rd June

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" "
15 May 2023

Extended opening hours for UL Medical School students

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Image of newspapers
09 May 2023

Library’s Digital Newspaper Collections Supporting Learning & Research

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Image of books on shelves
09 May 2023

No fines for UL students for overdue library books

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Image of QR code on how to enter competition to win voucher by activating linkedlin learning profile
05 Apr 2023

LinkedIn Learning competition for UL Students

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Library staff members, Ciara McCaffrey and Gerardine Ahern
13 Mar 2023

UL50 Jubilee Celebrations - Library Tree Planting Ceremony

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Image of UL Garda digital archive launch in UL Library
10 Mar 2023

An Garda Síochána archive digitised at Glucksman Library in Limerick

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Image of Gobnait O'Riordan Library Director
27 Feb 2023

Announcing the retirement of Director, Library & Information Services - Gobnait O'Riordan

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Open Access Logo
02 Nov 2022

Minister Harris congratulates Irish libraries in driving open access to Irish research

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