Tours and events
09 Sep 2022

Information on booking a tour / event in the library

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ebooks general image
08 Sep 2022

Wiley withdraws 80 ebooks from UL Autumn Semester modules – update for academic staff

Wiley withdraws 80 ebooks from UL Autumn Semester modules – update for academic staff

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Decorative Image, laptop
29 Aug 2022

Library classes for students

The Glucksman Library supports student learning with online reading lists, books, journals, study spaces, loanable equipment, academic referencing software and a programme of information and digital literacy skills classes, delivered in-person and online this year.
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26 Aug 2022

Getting started this semester

The Glucksman Library welcomes all new and returning students.
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Bolton Library printed books
15 Aug 2022

Heritage Week: A Bolton Library A to Z (13th to 21st August 2022)

The Bolton Library - accumulated by two bishops - Archbishop William King and Bishop Theophilus Bolton in the early eighteenth century, reflects interests, knowledge, and concerns of that time. The history of science, technology and medicine is strongly represented in the collection, as is Irish history in the 1640-1660 period.
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