Quick Links
There are separate procedures for managing Historic Leave and Annual Leave. You can find them on the HR Procedures, Processes & Forms A - Z page.
Please follow this link to Annual & Historic Leave Procedures FAQs.
The vast majority of our communications with colleagues and students is now online, along with the continued growth and evolution in social media, Here are some guidelines and practical tips for managing your communications and making them accessible to everyone and here are six tips for minimising emails.
A guide on how to schedule emails in Outlook is available here.
If you are a University of Limerick direct employee whose pay and leave is managed via the Core HR portal, you should email a headshot to compandbens@ul.ie along with your staff ID no. and ID Card Request in the subject heading. You will be notified when your ID card is ready for collection. ID cards are issued by the Human Resources Office D1 042 Monday to Friday between the hours of 15:00 and 16:00.
Parking permits are issued by UL Buildings & Estates
The Cycle to Work application form is available here. Send your completed Cycle to Work Application Form approved by HR, together with Supplier Quotation to the Purchasing Office. Please follow these Guidelines from the UL Finance Division when getting a quotation from your supplier.
Don't forget that staff can store their bikes in locked shelters on campus. Go to UL Bike Hub and Facilities for more information.
A guide to tax relief available for home or e-working is available in the Remote Working section of the COVID-19 SharePoint site. If you require a letter from your employer confirming that you are e-working, the template for this is available on the HR website here.
Please click here for access to the Online Recruitment Pack.
There is a comprehensive list of HR Frequently Asked Questions available here.
An A-Z of HR Procedures, Processes and Forms is available here.
If you are still look for an answer, email compandbens@ul.ie and they will direct your query to the relevant area for reply.
Click here for a guide on what to do when you resign from UL