Important Updates

Group auto un-enrol issue (2nd October 2023)

It has come to our attention that some academic staff who have set up groups/ group assignments in Brightspace are noticing that students are being auto un-enrolled from their groups, when their registration status changes from ‘Learner-Manually Added’ to ‘Learner’–this status change happens once the student’s registration is fully processed.

Please note that this issue does not affect students who were fully registered from the outset, but it is an issue for some students who have been manually added.

There are a number of reasons why some students have to be manually added to Brightspace. For example, exchange students who only complete module selection after the semester starts, link-in students who need to pay fees prior to their registration being completed, as well as students who have requested Academic Registry to assist or change their selection. More information on this last issue was outlined in Thursday’s communication from Academic Registry.

We want to alert academic staff to this issue so they are aware in case students approach them about needing to be re-added to groups. To pre-empt any last minute stress and confusion, it would be helpful if academic staff who use groups could post a Brightspace announcement on the relevant module sites alerting their students to the fact that they should notify you (the module leader) if their membership of a group lapses. Academic staff might also wish to allow some flexibility if students miss a group deadline due to this unexpected issue.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused but guarantee that we are investigating potential solutions for future semesters and are doing our best to support academic staff as best we can.

Best regards,

VLE Project Team and Academic Registry


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