Maura is the Manager of the Centre for Transformative Learning and in her role works closely with faculty members, heads of departments and other key groups to champion and support excellence, innovation and enhancements in teaching and learning activities within UL and throughout the sector. She is dedicated to heightening the profile and value of teaching activities, by providing support advice and recognising and facilitating all those involved in teaching and learning in UL.  She is an Associate Member of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.

She co-designed and manages UL's First Seven Weeks Programme. This initiative is designed to provide strong, enhanced and targeted support to students during the very early weeks of their time as UL Students. Among her key areas of expertise are learning preferences analysis, student coaching and essay writing. She regularly engages in  research projects that explore the areas of student transition and engagement in higher education. She is a qualified MBTI and Firo-B Practitioner and regularly presents learning styles, active learning and critical thinking workshops to students across the Shannon Consortium. She is co-author of ‘How to be a Student’, and The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook both published by the Open University Press.


Phone: 061 234652

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