What is Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET)? 

Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) a voluntary and confidential process as a means of promoting effective teaching through feedback. This formative evaluation process acts as a support system to help individual teachers create a current picture of the teaching and learning environment through the eyes of their students, with the aim of subsequently addressing any issues that are identified.  SET runs on alternate semesters to the Module Satisfaction Survey (MSS) which is run by the Quality Support Unit.  Each Autumn and Spring semester that SET runs applications are taken during week 2 & 3 only.  

All class evaluations are carried out online and are open for a period of two weeks, you choose when to start your survey Week (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10).  Our system allows you to access your Response Report as soon as your SET request has been sent to your students*. You will be copied on this email and reminded one week into your survey to check your responses and encourage your students to respond. You will also receive an email asking you to refresh your application this will be received the Wednesday prior to your SET going live. It is very important that you click on the link in that email and refresh your application, this will ensure that all the students registered for your module are included in the SET request and reminders. Please note if your students do not use their UL email address you will need to forward this email to the email address they do access (this is not a service CTL can provide).

SET remains confidential at no point can you access details of who has responded to your survey.

*Please ensure you save a copy of your response report by the deadline notified to you as your report will not be available after that date.  

Download the SET FAQs.

Instructions on  how to download/save SET Response Reports

Recognition of Teaching Impact in the First Seven Weeks 2018/19

Email: ctl@ul.ie 
Phone: 061 234652