All our Marketing and Communications resources, guidance and Brand assets are available to the UL Campus Community (UL Staff) on the MarComms Hub


External guidance and resources

The objective of University of Limerick's style guide is to establish a clear and recognisable brand identity for the University, while also providing guidance on how to communicate effectively with various audiences through both written and digital channels.

UL Links, a University of Limerick publication which aims to showcase the very best of what is happening at the institution through its education, research and innovation.

In its 12th year of publication, this magazine has become a major platform for highlighting the stories of all UL faculties, departments, alumni, students, friends and beneficiaries to name a few – bringing to you all we do here at UL.

Since its inception in 2007, the magazine has profiled international academics, ground-breaking research, student innovations and initiatives while covering the visits of some of the world’s most influential leaders of politics, sports and entertainment to the University of Limerick campus, including the Dalai Lama and former President of the US Bill Clinton. UL Links will continue to share the stories from our community for many issues to come. 

Read the latest edition of UL Links here.

Photography & filming on campus guidance for event organisers

Written permission is required for photos or videos of children under the age of 18 and for patients in medical settings. 

In situations where UL is photographing visitors to the campus under the age of 18, it is essential that the UL organiser of the visit has confirmation in writing in advance from a representative of the school or club that parents or guardians have given permission for their children to be photographed.  

In cases where general photography is undertaken on the campus whenever possible, commissioned photographers should identify themselves and the event organiser should seek requisite permissions using the Media Release Form.

Where possible, disclaimers and information should be given in any event promotional material to ensure subjects are aware that photography and video is being undertaken on campus.

In instances when an individual asks to not be photographed, UL photographers comply with those wishes. 

Download the Media Release Form here.


On campus filming/broadcasting - external organisations including media

Any company or individual seeking permission to record television, radio and/ or video broadcasts on any property owned by, or under the control of University of Limerick must send a written proposal in advance to the Marketing and Communications Office, at least 15 working days in advance of the proposed filming/capture.    


Each request for filming/recording should outline the: 

  • Nature of the filming/recording 
  • Intended audiences and transmissions 
  • Proposed locations 
  • Equipment which will be used 
  • Number of vehicles and personnel for which access will be required, including make, colour and registration number of any vehicles 
  • The duration of the filming/recording 
  • The dates on which it is intended to film/record 
  • Mobile contact details of the requestor 


The following regulations apply to all such taping/filming: 

  • No productions will be allowed which advertise or promote products, services or programmes that are inconsistent with the values and traditions of UL. 

  • No students or employees of the University can be used in such productions unless written consent from each individual to be used is obtained before such use.  

  • No production can interfere with the normal operations of the University. Any taping, filming or other production can be suspended without notice in the event of an emergency (e.g. fire, disturbance) at or near the production location.  

  • Contact Outdoor Events in UL's Buildings and Estates department to advise them of filming on campus, contact information and further information can be found here.

  • No University property can be relocated or otherwise disturbed to accommodate such productions.  

  • Any damage to University property caused by the activities of the production company shall be paid for by the production company upon presentation of a detailed invoice from the University.  

  • The production will not use the University's name, logos or symbols, nor will any of its buildings be used in the production without prior written consent. 

The Marketing & Communications Division will assess all proposals and advise the requestor of the outcome within five working days of the receipt of the request. 

UL Brand Guidelines

Download the UL Brand Guidelines here.

Any queries about our policies, procedures and guidance can be directed to the Marketing & Communications Division Office