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ChatGPT: The content creator’s friend or foe?

David Matthew writes on Artificial Intelligence (AI) - what you need to know.
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We need to talk about acronyms

June Shannon on why acronyms should be banned or at least used correctly.
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Carousels: Time to get off the merry-go-round

Bren Vaughan urges you to get off the merry-go-round by ditching carousels
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Image of a person using a notebook, data charts, and a laptop.

Avoid using PDFs on your website

Paul Leigh explains why PDFs are not recommended for use on the UL website
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QR codes belong in the real world not online

Becca Laffan explains why QR codes do not belong on your webpage.
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Understanding User Experience (UX)

Ciara Heffernan on UX or User Experience and why it's important.
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Creating staff profiles: A guide

Becca Laffan gives the 101 on how to display staff profiles on your site.
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Writing in plain English: Just say what you mean

Becca Laffan explains why you don't need to overthink your word usage.
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picture of a folded newspaper

How to write effective news content

Becca Laffan tells you all you need to know about writing good news content
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Birds eye view of the university of limerick

Working with images

Emma Mullane shares some top tips on using images on the UL website
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Hyperlinks: How to use them correctly

Becca Laffan shares some tips on using hyperlinks when writing content for the UL website
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