MicroCreds A-Z list of Short Courses Breadcrumbs UL Home Graduate and Professional Studies Course Title Sort descending Introduction to Participatory Health Research for Public & Patient Involvement - Module BM5053 Introduction to Real World Data in Cancer Clinical Research - Module BM6053 Accident Investigation- Module CH5011 Advanced Assessment in Respiratory Nursing Advanced Practices of Classification - Module MG2052 - NFQ Level 7 Adventure and Water Based Activities with Pedagogy - Module PY4183 Aesthetic and Expressive Air Transportation Characteristics - AM6001 An Chóitseáil Teanga san Ionad Oibre – Language Coaching in the Workplace - GA6172 Application of Psychology to Social Issues - Module P3051 Applications of Psychology for Real Life - Module PS3011 Applications of Security Controls - Module Applications of Security Controls - NFQ Level 7- NFQ Level 7 Applied Economics and Public Policy Issues - Module EC5002 Applied International Tax Law - Module TX6052 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - Module CE6002 Artificial Intelligence for Computer Vision - Professional Diploma - UL@Work Aviation Leasing & Finance - Professional Diploma Behaviour Based Safety - Module CH5012 Biocompatibility and Device Design - Module AU4031 Building Leadership Capacity in Education through Effective Goalsetting and Feedback - Module EN6621 Business Negotiations - Module BS6122 Climate Hazards - Module GY5022 Communication and Interpreting om the Irish Healthcare System Communications and Digital Public Relations for Enterprise - Professional Diploma Competitive, Team and Individual Based Activities Contemporary Issues in Economics and Policy - Module EC5006 Contemporary Issues in Sports Law - Module LA6272 Contemporary Taxation - Professional Diploma Corporate Airline Finances - FI6052 Curriculum Development and Design - Module BM6003 Cybersecurity Law and Regulations Data Analytics - Module CS5062 Data Analytics - Professional Diploma Data Analytics for Cancer Real World Data Research - Module BM6063 Data Analytics for Tax - Module TX6051 Data Analytics with R - Module MA5021 Data Exploration and Analysis - EC5007 Decision Making with Scarce Resources - EC5003 Design Research - Module PD6001 Digital Content Development - Professional Diploma Digital PR for Enterprise - Module JM5003 Digital Test and Measurement Digitalisation Of Process - Module AU5101 Energy Economics and Policy - Module EC6141 Engineering - Doctorate (Qualifier Module) Enhancing Critical and innovative thinking and problem solving - Module PA5032 - NFQ Level 9 Environmental Geospatial Data Analysis - Module GY5021 Environmental Impact Assessment - Module ER6421 Equipment Systems Engineering - Professional Diploma Export in the Context of Global Supply Chain - Module MG2082 - NFQ Level 7 Family Law LA4081- Module Frameworks for Supply Chain Management - Module PT5001 Fundamentals of the Law - Module LA4151 Health & Safety Management System Integration - Module CH5021 Health & Safety: Legislative Context - Module CH5022 Health Profession Leadership - Module NM8012 Health Promotion in Healthcare Practice Health Research Methods and Methodology History of Art and Architecture Survey - Module HI6231 Housing Law and Policy LA4056 - Module Ideation and Representation Identifying Communication Strategies for Enterprise - Module JM5102 Importing in the Context of Global Supply Chain -Module MG2092 - NFQ Level 7 Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare - Module NS6302 Integrated Risk Assessment Intercultural Awareness in Diverse Health and Social Care Settings - Module BM6061 Intercultural Care Introduction To Cyber-Physical Systems & Internet of Things - Module AU5111 Introduction To Data Analytics/Visualisation & Machine Learning - Module AU5112 Introduction to Emerging Technologies - Module EE6211 Introduction to Natural Language Processing - MN5001 Introduction to Scientific Computing for AI - Module CE4021 Introduction to Supply Chain Management - Module PT3001 Jurisprudence - Module LA4131 Law and Technology - Professional Diploma Law of Evidence - Module Leadership in Health Professional Education - Module BM6013 Leading and Managing Infection Prevention and Control LEADING AND MANAGING PRACTICE Leading Organisational Culture in Education - Module EN6611 Lean Thinking / Lean Tools 1- Module AU5041 Learning Design - Module EL5003 Machine Vision and Image Processing Module CE5011 Management and Coordination of Gerontology Care Marketing Technology Products- Module AU5032 Mathematical/Analytical Modelling in Supply Chains - Module MF5001 Medical Device Design - Module AU4024 Methods in Participatory Health Research I - Module BM5055 Natural Language Processing - Professional Diploma - UL@Work Operations Management - Module MF6001 Optimisation of Health for Performance in Irish Dancing 1 - Module CT5041 Optimisation of Health for Performance in Irish Dancing 2 - Module CT5042 OT Security - Professional Diploma - UL@Work OT/ICS NETWORKS AND PROTOCOLS PERINATAL BEREAVEMENT AND LOSS Philosophical Underpinnings of Gerontology Care Practical and Research in Psychology 2 Practical and Research Psychology 1 - Module PS3021 Principles 2: Custom Control - Module MG2072 - NFQ Level 7 Principles of Palliative Care in Practice Principles of Primary and Community Care Principles Underpinning Dementia Care Principles Underpinning Perioperative Nursing Problem Solving Tools & Techniques- Module AU5051 Productive And Healthy Remote Working Professional Writing - Module EL5002 Project Management - Professional Diploma (Online) Project Management in Practice - MN6041 Promoting Quality and Safety in Healthcare Psychosocial Interventions Public and Patient Involvement Summer School - Module BM6033 Public Procurement Compliance and Support Systems - MN3042 Quality Science - Module MS5431 Quality Science Introduction - Module MS6041 Research in Health Professions Education - BM6004 Revenue Law and Negotiations - Module LA6221 Risk, Ethics, Governance and Artificial Intelligence - Module IN5103 Safety Planning and Risk Management in Mental Health Care Sales and Operations Planning - Module PT6024 Secure OT-ICS Networks - Module CE5032 Simulation Modelling in Supply Chains - Module IE5002 Strategic Leadership - Professional Diploma - UL@Work Supply Chain Management & Customer Relationship Management - Module MG4917 Supporting Perinatal Mental Health Sustainability GY5032- NFQ Level 9 Sustainable Organisations and Decision Making - Module PM5011 Sustainable Wheelchair Provision - Module PY5101 Teamwork, Change and Cultural Diversity The Global Economy - Module EC5004 The National Economy - EC5005 Theoretical Underpinnings of Practice Based Inquiry Theories of Psychosocial Assessment and Care Therapeutic Engagement Therapeutic Interventions in Dementia Care Therapeutic Interventions in Palliative Care Therapeutic Interventions in Respiratory Nursing Tracheostomy Care Translating Organisation Aspirations Into Organisation Goals - Module CE4122 Translational Research Transversal Skills for the 21st Century Workplace Urban Ecosystems Services - Module GY5031